ARM 265Active Reference MonitorTruly one of the world's most accurate loudspeakers, both measurably and musically, the ARM 265 Active Reference Monitors have not been "voiced" to produce a popular, friendly or "good" sound to make them pleasant to listen to or easier to sell. We did, however, design them to pass the input as perfectly as possible thru an ultra-wide-band, high-speed signal path (matched to better than 0.25dB tolerances), and chose drivers capable of reproducing that signal mechanically as faithfully as possible... not just with an eye on low harmonic and transient distortion, but with an ear to maintaining timbral, harmonic and dynamic relationships as well as spatial cues. Thus, the 265 is a system capable of excellent response at the frequency extremes, with realistic transients and three-dimensional imaging, rather than a monitor with no real low frequncy extention, a warm "hump" in the mid-bass and a rolled-off top end. This bias toward extremely honest (not flattering) reproduction guarantees you'll always know exactly what you're printing, and of course, is an invaluable asset assisting in mic placement when recording, allowing you to microscopically dissect a mix or fine-tune a master. To insure that what you hear really is what you've got, there are no limiters anywhere in the system to compromise sound quality or dynamics. No confusion as to what's being compressed, or where it's happening. There's nothing restraining or coloring the signal in any way. Three simple switches provide for system gain matching, as well as, high and low frequency room compensation. Configured vertically as a Virtual Point Source, the biamplified ARM 265 exhibits ruler-flat response over a 9 1/2 octave range. Our choice of twin small, quick, yet very long excursion 6.5" woofers and an ultra-low distortion recessed dome tweeter in a rear-vented 6th order alignment, coupled with a no-compromise 150kHz electronic signal path, provides remarkably low harmonic and phase distortion for fatigue-free long-term critical monitoring in the near or midfield. When configured as a 3-way system in various combinations with our ASB Active Sub-Bass units, the low frequency bandwidth, transient capability and peak SPL at the mix position rival large soffited main monitors with far more accurate reproduction. Cabinet features fully radiused edges finished on all sides in black, red or golden oak veneer. Any custom finish available on special order.